Alex Havens: One of the Things That Makes Me Standout Is I Have a Strong Passion for American Made Products

Alex Havens

Alex Havens of Havens | Luxury Metals.

Tell us about yourself?

Alex Havens is a visionary with a strong passion for entrepreneurship. Alex began his journey as an entrepreneur at the ago of 12 with his younger brother Davis.

They called their first business “Havens Brothers Lawn Service.” After a few hot summers of lawn care, Alex moved into the eCommerce space and became one of the top sellers on eBay selling niche products.

After a few years of the eBay hustle, Alex started his first online store designing and selling Jewelry products, known as Savage.

The journey continues as Havens Co. is home to a vast network of online stores, investments, and business opportunities.

What do you think is the single biggest misconception people have when it comes to startups?

I think the biggest misconception people have is underestimating the amount of hard work and sacrifice it takes to create your own startup.

The idea is the easy part but the execution is the hard part. I have seen many startups fail because of a lack of execution.

If you could go back in time to any moment from your journey, and give yourself one tip, what would it be?

I don’t generally look back but if I had the ability to do so, I would give myself a tip to keep negative people out of my life.

I spent too much time with people who are not authentic and who they want to be in life. I would tell myself to focus on family and the few friends that really do have my back.

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What makes you stand out as an entrepreneur?

One of the things that makes me standout is I have a strong passion for American made products.

I developed this passion through battling against companies that cut corners and import goods to increase margins. I believe strongly in the American dream and push others to do the same.

What are some of the best working habits you’ve gained over the past couple of years?

Some of the best working habits would be my drive and hustle. I have a keen ability to make quick decisions and be very decisive.

I believe in myself and my team and that gives us the confidence to compete in any market we engage.

Give us a bit of an insight into the influences behind the company?

The influences into my company would be other successful entrepreneurs such as Rob Dyrdek, Berner, Elon Musk.

I look at visionaries leading the markets they engage and try to imagine what it’s like to lead a time of that level and build a company of that caliber.

Where do you see your business in five years?

I see my business expanding into a new headquarters on 3-1/2 acres of property I recently purchased.

We are building an expansive warehouse with the right equipment and space to do what we need to do as a company.

I will be opening new segments of my company by then as well and moving into new markets.

What do you think the biggest challenge will be for you in getting there?

I think my biggest challenge will be capital. There is no shortage of ideas, no shortage of work ethic. The only thing I need to execute is cash! All in due time.

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Talk to us about your biggest success story so far?

My biggest success was opening a new fabrication facility in the Spring of 2021. I used to rely on a manufacturer of my custom metal products for Havens Luxury Metals.

Now, we manufacture 100% in house. To get to the point of building all of my own products was definitely the biggest accomplishment to date.

How do clients and customers find you? Are you much of a salesperson for yourself?

Most of our clients find us through Google. I am quite the salesman. Even though I don’t talk to clients as much these days, I’ve sold over 10M in product by myself! I love to sell haha!

What one tip would you give to fellow startup founders?

One tip I would give is to make sure you focus on your ideas. See them through. Too often I see people drop an idea because it isn’t working or paying off quickly.

If you believe in an idea you have, see it through, give it your all! There is a cut off point of calling it, but if you can see success, you can achieve success!

And finally, what do you hope the future brings both you personally, and your business?

I believe the future holds success for myself and my family. I envision building a company I can pass down to the next generation and continue the Legacy of Havens.

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