Yentl Spiteri: Von Peach Are Delivering Spellbinding Creative Digital Experiences

Yentl Spiteri | Von Peach

Tell us about yourself?

Creative with a background in Product Management, running agile processes, and leading successful teams. Originally from Malta, residing in Switzerland since 2015.

What do you think is the single biggest misconception people have when it comes to startups?

You have to be young.

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg brought us the image of a young and isolated genius working from their laptop. Younger entrepreneurs may have out-of-the-box ideas, but they have much less experience in running a business and managing the myriad departments (operations, marketing, sales, finance, HR, regulations, and strategy) that go with it. Good ideas in high-tech areas require deep, fundamental knowledge of evolving subjects that one can’t simply intuit.

If you could go back in time to any moment from your journey, and give yourself one tip, what would it be?

Hire earlier. Surrounding myself with a group of people with common values and goals helped our company grow tenfold.

What makes you stand out as an entrepreneur?

Potentially my borderless imagination and childish demeanour.

What are some of the best working habits you’ve gained over the past couple of years?

Doing the most challenging work as early as possible in the day – and getting used to rejection (especially when reaching out to potential leads and customers).

Give us a bit of an insight into the influences behind the company?

We are humans, storytellers, creative wizards, and AR gurus bringing you the best creative experiences.

Where do you see your business in five years?

A network of creatives helping out a range of corporates and startups to deliver the best content to raise funds, win clients, and create the best storytelling experiences.

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What do you think the biggest challenge will be for you in getting there?

Dealing with the demand and growing the company sustainably. Growing a company too fast can be detrimental to the culture and keeping the focus on the most important objectives to reach the quarterly goals.

Talk to us about your biggest success story so far?

Delivering a virtual event to 500 people, managing the event, preparing and delivering the internal communication, training the speakers, and hosting a 20mins Augmented Reality experience with an 87% rate of engagement.

How do clients and customers find you? Are you much of a salesperson for yourself?

We grew organically over the past 1.5 years. We also reach out to potential clients through our network and social channels.

What one tip would you give to fellow startup founders?

No matter what happens, keep going.

And finally, what do you hope the future brings both you personally, and your business?

To keep hiring people who not only have common values but the willingness to learn and grow with us, to ultimately deliver the best possible experiences to our clients.

One thought on “Yentl Spiteri: Von Peach Are Delivering Spellbinding Creative Digital Experiences

  1. · January 7, 2022 at 5:23 pm

    Well done Yentl and Emma.
    Doing a great job and it pays.
    Keep on moving and wish you many more to the future.

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